Thursday, May 14, 2015

How can you attract wealth instead of debt?

Here at The Prosperity Community we are all about wealth, we want to help make all of our members as prosperous and successful as they want to be!

We are here to give help and information and help members to understand and learn new ways of thinking so that they can finally attract everything that they want in life. Sound too good to be true? Well it’s not, although in order for you to attract everything that you want, you will need to do a little bit of work.

You have heard the Quote “The mind is everything, what you think you become.” – Buddha

Well this is what we will be working on with you! In order to attract wealth instead of debt, you need to change your thought patterns, and simply put start to change your thinking from negative into positive! Positivity is key when it comes to attracting what you want into your life….. As are these 5 things below!

1. Change your words: If you are always saying things like “I’m broke” or “I’m in debt up to my eyeballs” this will always be the truth and how your life will continue to be. By simply changing these words to “I always get what I need” and “I have plenty of money in my bank” You will start to change your mind set and your life will automatically change based on your thoughts! Try it out with your affirmations that we provide with the packages!

2. Stop believing money is so important! Many of us that are in debt and struggling for money, tend to believe that money is the most important thing in the world! We even put it before our personal relationships at times. This gives money the power, which is bad! Take that power back to change the effect money has on your thoughts and life!

3. Spend to receive! Believing that you need to spend your money to receive more is a difficult one we know, however if you lose the fear of spending and realise that that is what it’s there for you will soon find that spending becomes easier. When you spend hand the money over with positive thoughts, send those thoughts into the universe and accept that you are handing your money over for something you want or want to experience and believe that it’s a good thing! Let go of guilt and fear, when you send negativity to the universe, that’s exactly what you get back!

We are almost ready for our re-launch, and we are very excited to help even more people to achieve everything they want in life!

Watch this space and get joined up to see how we can help you change your life around like so many others before you!

See you soon!

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