Friday, May 29, 2015

How grateful are you?

Have you ever thought about what you are grateful for in your life? I am not talking about all the material things you may have that you are grateful for, I mean everything and anything you are able to do, be, enjoy, and experience?

It’s actually quite a difficult thing to do, however if we can get into the habit of being grateful, it will actually make a huge difference to our lives. Much like affirmations, when you get into the habit of being thankful for the positive things in your life, you will automatically begin to think much more positively.

Gratitude is essential to a happy life, without gratitude we can never be truly happy as we are not aware of all the wonderful things that are around us and that we enjoy on a daily basis.
So I have a challenge for you!

This weekend write your gratitude list!

Find a quiet spot, grab a pen and paper and start writing a list of everything you are grateful for, include everything even the small things that you never really think about….

Here are a few hints: On my list I have things like - being able to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed, seeing where I need to go and being able to make coffee…. Get the idea??

I guarantee that once you start to do this and keep adding to the list on a daily basis, your attitude towards life will change dramatically, altering your thinking and making you much happier!

So give it a go and share some of the items you are grateful for with us in the comments and on our Facebook page!

See you soon!

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Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

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