Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Affirmations for Times of Grief

We all know the feeling of sadness and grief only too well, however even though many of us have experienced these feelings more than once before in our lives, doesn’t meant that it makes it any easier.

Greif can come in many forms, I am not just referring to the death of a loved one, but also the heartbreak at the end of a relationship, the loss of a friend, who has gone away to another country or who you have simply lost contact with.

Grief is a very strong emotion and it can take over our minds and hearts if we let it, allowing all those negative thoughts to come back in and threaten everything we have learned about positivity and life.

I know that if you are in the midst of a sad time and are grieving something or someone, this is the last thing you want to read about, but it is probably the most important thing you will learn at this time.

We all know that our thoughts will manifest, and this manifestation will be either positive or negative, depending on what your prominent thoughts are. It is hard to find positivity within when you are going through such a sad time, but trying to find positive things out of negative situations will help you to cope and get through this time in your life.

It is actually healing to replace a negative thought with a positive one, and a good way to do this is to use affirmations. This is easy because you already have your affirmation ready written for you to recite when you feel the negative thoughts creep in.

Here are some examples of affirmations you may want to use to help you through your journey of grief or sadness.

  • I am letting go of my sadness, but holding onto my love for (loved ones name)
  • I trust my higher power to guide me through this time, and I now take the first step
  • I choose love, I choose to heal
  • Acceptance is key to my happiness, I must accept what is
  • I am grateful for every day I am living
  • I am grateful for the times I spent with (loved ones name)
  • It’s ok to heal my grief today
  • I deserve to take some time for myself right now

You may choose to use some of the affirmations above or you may be inspired to write your own personal ones.

Whatever you choose to do, remember to use them regularly, and especially as soon as you feel negative thoughts creeping into your mind. We guarantee that these or any positive affirmations will help you to change the way you think and feel and get you on the road to future happiness.

Have you ever used affirmations in this way? Did it work for you?

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Friday, June 26, 2015

What Are Your Personal Goals?

When was the last time you set yourself personal goals? I don’t mean the goals that are generally set for you in work, I mean actual personal goals that will affect your life and happiness?

Do you have goals for the next 12 months, 3 months, or are you someone who has a 5 or 10 year plan?

Personal goals are important for us all, as they give us something to work towards in life, something to strive and aim for, and when we achieve them, we feel happy and our lives are improved a little more each time.

Without setting goals, life can feel purposeless, and if you feel like you need direction, setting goals will help you to feel like you have a direction in life.

So do you have any goals in your mind that you may one day want to achieve? Maybe it’s time that you start writing them down and deciding when and how you will achieve what you want to in life.

So this weekend, why not take some time to put pen to paper and set out your own personal goals, when you what to achieve them by, and how you will get there!

You will be amazed at how motivated you will feel when you have written your intentions down on paper, so give it a go and let us know how you do on our Facebook Page! Why not share your goals with us too!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How do You Develop Trust in Yourself?

Learning to trust ourselves really isn’t an easy task, in fact it can be one of the hardest things we have to learn in life. Think about it, how many people do you know that are truly in touch with themselves and able to trust their instincts, bodies and thoughts?

It all seems a bit silly really, like we have not evolved but in fact taken several hundred steps back since prehistoric times, when all man had were their instincts to help them to live and survive on a daily basis!

Although with the evolution of relationships, family, and networks of friends and colleagues, not to mention the invention of technology and therapy, we are no longer very sure about ourselves. We certainly do not ever consider acting on instinct alone, and if we do we tend to spend time either regretting it or worrying if it was the right thing to do!

Nevertheless, even though we seem to be getting along ok without the element of self-trust our ancestors had, it is vital to our wellbeing, mental state and lives. I know that we are not going around hunting for our food or protecting our young from attacking predators anymore, but this doesn’t mean that self-trust doesn’t have a place in the modern world.

In fact self-belief and trust is even more important to us than ever before, as not only does it make us feel better, and more settled, it also helps us to stop relying on outside sources for validation on aspects of our life that we need to be the keepers of.

So how do you begin to develop a sense of trust in yourself?

Listen to your body – Listen to what your mind and body are saying, do you have a peaceful feeling about a decision or situation? Or do you feel a little sick or have a lump in your tummy? Obviously you know which one is the best for you?

Turn the negative into a positive – Every time you have a negative thought about a situation, try and turn it into a positive, if there isn’t one… maybe it’s not the best thing for you?

Ask yourself – When you hear that loud voice of Ego starting to talk to you, stop and ask yourself if this is really the way you feel, the more you can quiet the ego the more sure you will be of yourself.

Stop and be in the moment – It is very important to learn to be in the moment, to stop all those thoughts that race through our heads every minute of every day and just concentrate on the issue at hand.

Use Affirmations – Affirmations will help you to re-train your mind and thinking so that you are able to begin gaining trust in yourself.

The more we trust in ourselves the more we will see our lives improve and the happier we will be. Trusting in ourselves will allow us to be confident in all we do, and be a success in everything we put our minds to.

If you feel like you are lacking in trust for yourself, just start practicing these steps above on a daily basis, and you will be amazed at the results.

Please be aware that change will not happen overnight, but instead gradually over a period of time, and it may be so subtle that you don’t even notice!

So good luck and let us know your thoughts on our Facebook Page!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Why do We Make Bad Decisions? How do We Stop?

We are often faced with situations that require us to make decisions, because this is just how life is, how we manage to make these decision is another matter. Do you struggle to make decisions and choices? Do you instantly regret your decision or choice as soon as you have made it?

You are not alone, there are many people in this position, most of whom do not know why they keep making bad choices and the wrong decisions!

This problem with decision making comes from a behaviour cycle that can actually be broken quite easily…. Don’t believe me?

Well bad decisions essentially come from negativity, and negativity breeds when we are unhappy, have lost faith in ourselves and worry a lot because we are obsessing over things too much. Stress is caused by worry and when we are stressed we are never going to know what the right decision is that we have to make.

Once you are caught in this vicious cycle of negativity, it can seem almost impossible to break, however if you have already recognised it, you are half way there!

Negative thoughts can take over your mind, and will cause you to make negative decisions, and the more negative and bad decisions you make, the more negativity you will attract…. Remember the law of attraction? It really is at work all the time!

So how do you break the cycle?

Here at The Prosperity Community, we believe that the easiest way to break the cycle of this negative thinking is to begin using affirmations. When you are repeating affirmations you are automatically re-programming your brain to think in a more positive manner, whether you know it or not, they make it much more simple to start being more positive because you aren’t even realising that you are changing your thinking.

Affirmations are small sentences, which need to be repeated several times every day so that your mind can get used to thinking in a different way.

When you begin your journey with us, you will be given several affirmations that will help you to change your thinking, your life and your future, all you need to do is believe in them!

It is important to choose your affirmations carefully, so that you can attract what really wants you in life, and begin to enjoy a stress free, worry free life full of positivity and good things!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Friday, June 19, 2015

Positive Affirmations for a Positive Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! Or is it?

Are you lacking that Friday feeling? Do you feel a bit down and negative? Why? Is it that you have had a bad week? Got nothing planned for the weekend?

Weekends are the perfect time to really think about your affirmations and how they will make you feel better, after all most of us have more time on our hands at the weekend.

If you have been saying your affirmations but they don’t seem to be doing anything for you, maybe you need to review your wording, or maybe you need to think about how you are saying them.

Affirmations are futile when you are not really believing them, feeling them and are just saying them and going straight back to your old negative thinking. If you find that this is what you have been doing this week, it’s no wonder you are feeling out of sorts!

So now this weekend it’s time to go back to basics! And in order to start you feeling positive and able to write your affirmations again, or at least start believing in the ones you already use, here are several that you can concentrate on to get you back on track this weekend.

“I am in control of my own thinking.”
“My mind is constantly in tune with the positive.”
“I always choose the thoughts that are most positive and serve me best.”

Now when you are saying these, really believe, concentrate on them and you are guaranteed to start feel better in no time at all!

There’s no time to waste! Start saying these affirmations now! And let us know how you feel on Monday morning after the weekend has passed!

Remember relax, and believe and you will feel better!

Good luck!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why are positive thoughts important during negative times?

If you a regular reader of the Prosperity community blog, you will know that I have recently been going through some major life changes, one of them being to uproot and move home.

I had been very excited about my upcoming move, however I was understandably a little apprehensive, well now I am in the new house and it’s actually not going well at all! The situation is that the house does not work properly, it was not ready for guests and it certainly is not a nice place to live!

I am currently in a very negative situation, which I now need to try to find a way out of, without being dragged down any further! I am usually a very positive person and this has been tested over the last few days!

My best friend visited my house yesterday and pointed out that I needed to take action for the changes I need to take place. As it turns out the changes that are needed are not going to be made by the powers that be…. So today I am yet again surrounded by more negativity!

But I don’t feel negative, I feel like I need to keep going and fins a solution…. How?

Because I am programmed to think positive thoughts! It’s a part of me, since I read dollars want me and started on the program with the affirmations, my thinking has completely changed. It was such a gradual change that I didn’t even notice it, it’s amazing…. I have not lost my temper with the agent once, I have not stamped my feet demanded miracles to happen or screamed and cried in order to get my own way (yes I would have done that in the past). I have calmly dealt with things, explaining how I feel in a relaxed manner, trying to find solutions wherever possible.

My positive thoughts have been how I can enjoy the time I am here, how much I love the area that I live in now, even though I do not love the house, and how there is that house just over the road that I could move into in 2 months and be very happy!

Although the people I am dealing with have not displayed any kindness, help or compassion, my faith in humanity has actually been restored in a very positive way, the neighbours I have currently are trying everything they can to secure me another house in the street and have been nothing but kind!
So it is true – There is a positive in every day, sometimes you just have to find it!

Have you ever been in a negative situation? How did you deal with it? Has it changed since you heard about The Prosperity Community? Do you think positive thoughts?

Like what you see?

Don't forget to share this blog with everyone you know!

See you soon!

Sue Turner

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What are Mantras?

Mantras are usually closely associated with meditation and prove a very useful technique for calming and focussing the mind.

Mantras started with the ancient Hindus, but the use of mantras for meditation has since spread, and although it is still mostly Buddhists, Taosts and Sikhs that use them, they are used far more than you would realise.

If you aren’t the sort of person that meditates, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use mantras to help you. Mantras will help you to concentrate on one thing, allow you to focus your mind and help you to achieve what you want to.

Mantras are similar to affirmations and when we select a word or series of words to repeat on a regular basis, we are in fact just affirming something to ourselves. Whether it is something that you want, something that you are grateful for or simply something that you need to focus on, mantras will provide you with the peace and quiet to do so.

Repetitive thoughts are something that we can all get caught up with, and these can be damaging to our lives, limiting our potential for development, and growth.

Mantras are perfect for replacing these thoughts and getting our emotions in check, because by replacing the repetitive, damaging or negative thought with a mantra, you are automatically thinking of something different and more positive.

Recent studies into the brain have proven that neural pathways are strengthened by repetition, and by replacing a negative thought with a positive mantra you are essentially re-programming your mind into thinking positively automatically.

Remember your mantras can always go with you wherever you go! They are the perfect mobile device to have with you at all times so that you can say them whenever you feel negativity start to creep in.

It’s all about re-focusing, which is easier said than done for most of us, so when you realise that your thoughts have gone off track, take a moment to repeat your mantra a few times and see how you feel!
Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Can Positive thoughts get you what you desire in life?

Yes!!! So are you still on the fence when it comes to positive thoughts and the effect they can have on our lives? Well we are here to reassure you that positive thoughts can actually have a huge impact on your life, not only will they make you feel better, they will even help you to get all you desire in your life.

I am not talking about want here, as we discussed the other day want will get you nowhere, however when you have positive thoughts about the things you may desire in life is completely different

Well, wanting means that you are obsessing about the things you want, planning striving, and thinking and needing. This type of thinking will ultimately make you miserable and negative when you do not receive things quickly enough, pushing the things you want further for your reach.

Positive thoughts will help you to attract all you desire, you have heard of the law of attraction right? Well this is exactly what you need to incorporate into your life if you want to get all you desire.


Every thought you think will manifest

Be aware of the thought that you dwell on, and banish the ones that don’t serve you.

You are powerful, so embrace this fact and know that everything you hold in your mind is what you create…

Think about what you want

Never think about the things you don’t want, the universe will respond accordingly, and does not take into account the words do or don’t, it is important that you state the things you want and ask the universe for them in a positive way.

Affirmations can help you to get started with this type of thinking, with affirmations you will be stating something out loud to the universe every day. Affirmations are designed to affirm to you that you already have what you want, and will slowly change your pattern of thinking into positive, once this change occurs you will be able to attract just about anything you want into your life!

Here at the prosperity community, we want you to learn how to use positive thoughts to attract prosperity into your life!

So join us today and get started with our affirmations and your journey to financial freedom will begin!
Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Power of Faith and Self Belief

What do you think, when you hear the term self-belief? Do you believe in yourself? Your abilities, your judgement, your skills? How do you get to a state of self-belief?

Faith and self-belief are actually 2 very important parts of who we are and will influence the outcomes of the things we do and situations in our lives. Without self-belief, doubt and and disbelief will enter our minds, which will hinder our path to success and happiness. We cannot complete something well without belief, put simply, if we don’t believe in what we are doing, we cannot do it!

Faith and self-belief help us to attract what we want in life, similar to affirmations, we are constantly telling ourselves we can do anything we want to and are able to take on any challenge and succeed.

Have you ever done something that you don’t really believe you are good at? How did it go? I am willing to bet that you were unable to complete the task and that it caused you stress and worry, and also made you feel a little useless. 

So, what can faith and self-belief do for us?

Helps you see opportunities – when you believe in yourself, you will see far more opportunities around you because you have clear goals and you truly believe that you can achieve those goals

Become more creative – Self-belief allows you to become more creative, because you have let go of worry and doubt, you will see the world open up and you will no longer be afraid ti be creative.

Encourages action and persistence – We all know it is pretty impossible to achieve a goal that you don’t really believe in, however when you believe in your goals and yourself, you will want to take action to achieve them, and don’t give up until you do!

Makes others more responsive – People that believe in themselves and their goals are usually outwardly more confident, which causes more people to stand up and take notice. If you are talking to someone about a business opportunity, they will sense the confidence and will respond to you in a more positive way.

So how do you develop faith and self-belief?

Banish negativity – As always the first thing to do is to deal with that negative inner voice! We know it’s there, so start with a few affirmations to get your thinking positive first.

You can learn – Remember and believe that you can learn how to believe in yourself and don’t put so much pressure on yourself!

Note down your positive characteristic’s – Put pen to paper and write down all your positive characteristic’s each day and look at them before you leave the house. This list will slowly embed itself into your mind and your confidence will grow without you even knowing.

Set yourself goals – Once you have been working on the 3 steps above for a while, try setting yourself goals, make sure they are realistic and go for them! Believe that you can achieve them and you will!

If you feel like you are lacking in self belief, try putting these ideas into practice and see how you feel, and remember - If you believe it you can do it!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Friday, June 5, 2015

Why “Want” Doesn’t Work

Are there things that you want in life? Of course there are, you wouldn’t be human unless you had wants, whatever they may be, different lifestyle, new car, more money, to be slimmer?

Wanting is natural as it is something we are used to feeling, however wanting is never actually going to get you these things, and the more you obsess over the things you want the further away they become.

The problem is that when we allow our craving and desires to take over our thinking, it creates discontentment, and unhappiness as we clearly cannot have what we want, otherwise we would have it by now!

This suffering is only caused by us and we are the only ones that can stop it! Have you ever considered that you may be receiving what you need instead of what you want? Have you ever stopped and thought about all the good things and situations that are in your life without thinking that you always want more?

Well maybe it’s time you did…. Your thinking creates your world, everything you are, everything you do all stems from your thoughts, so if you are in a constant state of want, the only thoughts you are going to have are of what you don’t have instead of what you do.

So take some time this weekend to think about all the good in your life, think about the things you need…. 

Do you have them?

How important are the things you want? 

Make two lists and see how you feel when you read them, this will help to change your thoughts and make you feel better and free you from the longing and suffering that causes you pain and leaves you in a constant state of discontentment.

Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Page!

See you next week! Have a peaceful weekend!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Affirmations in times of stress

I wanted to share a personal story with you today, you see I am making a big house move soon, I will be moving to another very Spanish house in a very Spanish area with very few expats…. It should be both interesting and challenging, as I don’t actually speak Spanish, this is owing to both laziness and the fact that I have lived around British people for the last 5 years!

Needless to say I am feeling a little bit stressed and I get pangs of worry that occur without me even realizing it is going to happen. I have been suffering with headaches and have been pretty tired lately too. Now I am not the sort of person who feels stressed until it’s too late, so these headaches and tiredness are my indicators that I am doing too much and need to re-focus onto what’s important in my life.

As I have become a real fan of the affirmations in the Dollars Want Me EBook, I decided to use some affirmations to see if I could reduce the stress a little in the lead up to my house move. I had to do something as even the dog has taken to chewing her foot because of the stressful vibes I am giving off!!

I have been saying these every day for about a week now, to begin with I was setting times to say them, however over the last few days I have noticed that I am thinking them a lot without realizing it, this is what affirmations are all about!

They really do work, they are re-training my mind to stop stressing and its working, I have not had a headache for a week now and I am feeling much more positive and less scared and stressed. They have also helped me to focus on the preparations that need to be done before the move, as I am very good at leaving things until the last minute!

So here are some of the affirmations I have used to help me with my stress:
  • I am thankful for everything in my life
  • I release all tension form my mind and body
  • I am relaxed and free from stress
  • I am free of Stress

Do you struggle to deal with stressful situations? It doesn’t have to be moving house, it could be just about anything that is stressful in your life. These simple affirmations could just help you to deal with and get rid of the stress you feel at any time in your life!

So give these a try the next time you are feeling stressed, and see how you feel.

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Sue Turner

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 Tips for Prosperity

Have you always admired people that are prosperous? Rich? Well off? Have you been a little jealous of these people in the past? Maybe you have always believed and thought that it is impossible for someone like you to achieve the success they have, well this is simply not true!

You are probably thinking that I am talking rubbish and things like that do not happen to you, success is meant for everyone else right? Wrong! Although you are definitely not alone in this thinking; you see society has always taught us that prosperity is for the few, and our upbringing has usually conditioned us into the same thinking.

It’s time to change your thinking!

By changing you thinking you can literally change your life, any aspect of your life, including your success and prosperity! It’s not just down to changing your thinking, there are also other things you will need to do to secure your financial future.

Here are our top 5 tips for how to get you on the path to Prosperity!

1. Get rid of want - Stop wanting money and start learning to attract it, taking action towards becoming prosperous is important, nothing will change unless you do.

2. Use Affirmations - Affirm that you always have more than enough, our daily affirmations will teach you how to do this.

3. Gratitude - Be grateful, when you are grateful you are instantly attracting more prosperity to   you, when you feel more abundance, abundance will follow. The more you practice this the more you will attract better things into your life.

4. Change your thinking - Your thoughts determine your life, so changing your thinking will automatically change your life.

5. Use the Law of Attraction - The law of attraction simply states that what you focus on is what you get, so make use of this and you will receive prosperity in abundance!

When you join The Prosperity Community, we will provide you with all the tools that you need to work on these tips to secure your financially free future, including:
  • Dollars Want Me: New Millennium Edition EBook
  • Daily Affirmations
  • Group coaching sessions
  • One to one coaching sessions
  • 24 hour support

We aim to bring this unique concept to as many people around the world as possible and with your help we will achieve this! So if you like what you see, please share with all your friends and sign up to begin your journey to Prosperity today!

See you soon!

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne