Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What are Mantras?

Mantras are usually closely associated with meditation and prove a very useful technique for calming and focussing the mind.

Mantras started with the ancient Hindus, but the use of mantras for meditation has since spread, and although it is still mostly Buddhists, Taosts and Sikhs that use them, they are used far more than you would realise.

If you aren’t the sort of person that meditates, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use mantras to help you. Mantras will help you to concentrate on one thing, allow you to focus your mind and help you to achieve what you want to.

Mantras are similar to affirmations and when we select a word or series of words to repeat on a regular basis, we are in fact just affirming something to ourselves. Whether it is something that you want, something that you are grateful for or simply something that you need to focus on, mantras will provide you with the peace and quiet to do so.

Repetitive thoughts are something that we can all get caught up with, and these can be damaging to our lives, limiting our potential for development, and growth.

Mantras are perfect for replacing these thoughts and getting our emotions in check, because by replacing the repetitive, damaging or negative thought with a mantra, you are automatically thinking of something different and more positive.

Recent studies into the brain have proven that neural pathways are strengthened by repetition, and by replacing a negative thought with a positive mantra you are essentially re-programming your mind into thinking positively automatically.

Remember your mantras can always go with you wherever you go! They are the perfect mobile device to have with you at all times so that you can say them whenever you feel negativity start to creep in.

It’s all about re-focusing, which is easier said than done for most of us, so when you realise that your thoughts have gone off track, take a moment to repeat your mantra a few times and see how you feel!
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Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

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