Monday, April 6, 2015

How Do Affirmations Work?

When you become a member of Dollars Want Me, you will automatically get exclusive access to our bank of 37 positive affirmations to help you on your way to financial success!

You, like many other people may currently be a little bit skeptical about what these little sayings can actually do for you and your financial situation. If you have never come into contact with this type of self-help before, it is understandable that you may be a little bit wary of it.

However positive affirmations do work and they can help to change your life, they can be used for anything, whether it’s to change the way you feel, change the situation you are in or to help you achieve something that you want, you will use the same technique.

Still not sure? Well, their use has actually been scientifically proven to work and studies have been done showing how they work on our sub-conscious in a positive way to change our mind-set and ultimately change our lives.

Affirmations are not magic or hocus pocus, they are simply an effective and easy way to re-train our brains, into believing something different than what we do. The simplest way to start with affirmations is to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, the more you do this the more you will begin to think in a positive way over time.

When affirmations are repeated over and over again, they send a message to your Reticular Activating System (the automatic mechanism inside your brain that brings relevant information to your attention), this is the part of the brain that you will be re-programming with your affirmations. Once reprogrammed your RAS will send the message over to your sub-conscious which will then help you to achieve what it is that you want.

So when you know what you want:
  1. Write a positive affirmation
  2. Say your affirmation, visualize what you want and believe you have it
  3. Repeat, repeat repeat

The more you say your affirmation, visualize it and believe it, the quicker your affirmations work. Because we have the ability to change and re-program the way we think, we can literally teach our minds to believe in anything that we want to attract!

Can you imagine the possibilities? 

Like what you see? 

Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: "I´m Financially Free! Dollars Want Me" 

Matthew E. Alleyne
Founder - DollarsWant.Me

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