Thursday, May 28, 2015

Are you a morning person?

It has to be said that I love mornings and I get up early, start the day with a long dog walk and begin my work, I am very productive in the mornings, so it is always a good idea for me to get the most important things first!

Unfortunately not everyone is like this and the vast majority of people actually really struggle to get up and going in the mornings. It might be that you just love your bed, lack motivation in the morning or maybe you are a little bit down and need to make some changes in your life in order to start enjoying all of the day again.

Do you wake up feeling tired?           
Do you lack motivation?

Do you wake up negative?

Is your first thought about the day negative or positive?

It can be really tough to turn this pattern around if it has been going on for a long time, and often we don’t even notice that this has even happened to us until it has been a long time or it is actually pointed out to us. There are so many ways that you can start to turn this around, and the best way to start is by keeping it simple. Making grand plans for the mornings and changing your routines will not help you to make the changes for the long term and will often only last a little while until you get fed up with them again and end up back at square one!

Affirmations are a great way to start to change this pattern and change your thinking for the better, affirmations are a very gentle way to start with this change that you know you need to make as they are simple little sentences that you can repeat every morning to make you start to feel more positive and motivated.

Pick a few from the list below and try saying them in the mornings for the next week and let us know how you get on, and how things have changed.

  1. I am feeling healthy and strong today
  2. I am feeling motivated to do ***** today
  3. I have all that I need to make this a great day
  4. I have everything I require to make my day successful
  5. I will make the right choices all day using my inner wisdom
  6. I am happy with my life
  7. I have everything I need in my life
  8. I am filled with gratitude for this new day, and am ready to enjoy every minute of  it
  9. I have all the knowledge I need to make today a success
  10. I am going to enjoy and be happy with my day today

Don’t expect instant results, these are not magic spells! However they will help you to begin thinking in a different way than what you would normally when you wake up.

Give them a go first thing every morning for a week, make it the first thing you do and see how you feel! Let us know on our Facebook page.

Good Luck!

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Repeat after me: "I´m Financially Free! Dollars Want Me" 

Matthew E. Alleyne

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