Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to Work From Home

Hi, everyone its Sue here! I am the assistant for Dollars Want Me, and I wanted to write a blog dedicated to working from home today. I have worked from my home for several years now and I wanted to share my experiences with you and give you some tips so that you are prepared for working from home on the Dollars Want Me Affiliate system.

Working from home is great, and I personally love it! However it can take people a while to get used to it, especially if they have been working in an office environment for many years.

Working from home requires discipline, concentration, dedication and often requires a strict routine in the beginning. As soon as I began working from home, I became very regimental with my time and set out a routine for each day deciding on my set working hours and even chose a slot to take my lunch hour!

I know it sounds a little strict, but I found that it helped me to get used to being in my home all day and being productive, it is very easy to get distracted by household chores, the TV, loved ones or anything else that you would usually do indoors so being strict with yourself will make it easier.

Here are some important points to consider when you are working from home:

Workspace: Have a designated work space, away from the TV, kitchen and other members of the household. (I find it useful to have an office area with a door so I can shut the world out).

Lists: Make a list at the beginning of each day to ensure you know what needs to be done and tick it off once you have completed each task. I use Wunderlist, which is a simple internet tool that stores all of your tasks in one place on the internet, so you are always able to review it.

Get dressed: It’s all too tempting not to get dressed when you work from home, however this can have an adverse effect on your productivity. Sub-consciously sitting in your pj’s will put you into a relaxed frame of mind and you will not get as much done.

Don’t allow friends to distract you: Many people who work outside the house, think that working from home is a cover for sitting on the sofa! If your friends turn up at the door during your work hours, politely tell them that you are working and organize to meet them after work or possibly during your lunch hour.

Create a comfortable office: Your office/workspace must be comfortable if you are going to be in there for several hours, it’s worth investing a little time and money to get a good chair too!

Don’t organize non-work appointments for the middle of the day: Be strict again with this, as too many trips away from the house will affect your productivity and ultimately your sales!

Enjoy your flexibility: Although I am telling you to be strict, you must also take advantage of the flexibility of working from home, if you need to. When you feel your concentration wavering, take a break by going for a walk, a bike ride or walking the dogs if you have them. Remember you’re the boss!

I find the flexibility and freedom I have with working from home fantastic! And once you are used to it I am sure you will be as grateful as I am not to have to make that long boring commute every day!

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Repeat after me: "I´m Financially Free! Dollars Want Me" 

Sue Turner
Assistant - DollarsWant.Me

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