Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Use Affirmations to Keep Focused

Life is usually really busy for all of us! So busy in fact, that we are always trying to do several things at once and thinking about the other hundred things that we have to do in any given day! So focusing on the one particular thing that we are doing can be extremely difficult, however for you to complete any of your tasks properly and be able to function without stress and pressure, it is very important to focus your mind.

When you are trying to do more than one thing at once all the time, the stress and tension you create is very bad for you. It’s exhausting when you are trying to fit so much in isn't it?

But how do you learn to focus?

Affirmations of course! You may remember I mentioned in a previous blog, that affirmations can be used for just about anything? Well here is just another example of how they can help you to improve your life on a daily basis.

Remember – Your visions become your reality!

When you practice your affirmations you are training your mind to stay focused on one thing, and although you might find it difficult to even focus on saying just your affirmation at first, you will soon get used to it. It is a good idea to set times to say your affirmations at first, and to begin with if you are near a mirror say them to your reflection. This may sound silly but it really helps to get you started saying and believing them!

So how do you write an affirmation to help your focus?

  1. Find a quiet space so that you can create your affirmations without any distractions
  2. Decide what you want to achieve from your affirmation (In this case, you will want to increase focus)
  3. Visualize yourself in an ideal situation, maybe you are carrying out a task and are completely focused on that task, maybe you have received commendation for the task being done so well?
  4. When you are ready, grab a pen and start to think of what you want your affirmation to say… a good start is to begin in the present tense i.e. “I am”, “I have”, “My”
  5. Make sure your affirmations are positive at all times!

Here are some example affirmations for focus to help get you started:
  • My focus is firm and unwavering
  • I am focused and relaxed in everything that I do
  • I am completely focused on what I am doing right now
  • I can focus intently whenever I choose
  • I am focused on what I am doing so I get the results I desire

Getting and staying focused is never easy when life is so busy, however if you really want to learn and re-program your mind to help you feel less stressed and under pressure, affirmations are a great place to start!

So use our examples or write your own and visit our Facebook page to let us know how you get on!

Good luck and see you soon!  

Matthew E. Alleyne
Founder - DollarsWant.Me  

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