Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Don’t Forget to be a Human!

There is no doubt about it, we have definitely entered a digital age, and I will bet that almost every one of you would use the internet as one of your first choices when you want to buy something or find a service that you need?

With this in mind, I got to thinking…. What makes people buy from certain sites? Why do they choose the products from one site that are identical to another site they have visited? What would make you choose a service or product from one site over another?

We think that it’s all about personality, you see although we all love the convenience of purchasing goods and services from a website and getting things done quickly from home, we still actually crave that buying experience.

Although the traditional face to face buying experience is mostly non-existent on the internet, it is still possible to make your clients and customers feel welcome and special, to let them know that you are a real person! Because as I have said before, people love to buy from people not a faceless computer!

So it’s never been more important to build trust and humanize your brand to maximize sales and achieve success with Dollars Want Me!

So how do you become a human on the internet?

Focus on relationships – Speak to your potential customers, offer help, advice and be there to answer any questions they may have.

Have a personality – Be yourself! There is nothing worse than someone on the end of a telephone or a computer that doesn’t have a personality, people want to relate to you so that they can trust you
Speak your customer’s language – Forget all that corporate mumbo jumbo you have learned when you are communicating with customers, speak their language so that they feel at ease and can understand you.

Social media – Use social media to convey your personality even further to potential clients, it’s a great way to get you as a person out there. Posting personal pictures of your office, days out, office gatherings or your achievements will encourage people to warm to you further.

Emotion – Everyone loves a little bit of emotion, so if you really want to draw people in, there is nothing wrong with striking an emotional chord with them.

Tell a story – Tell your potential customers a personal story, you can do this via email or on your social media platforms. However you choose to do it, you are guaranteed to get more attention, which in turn will lead to more sales.

The more you can connect with your potential clients, the more likely they are to buy from you, and although this might all seem like a lot of work, it really isn’t in the long run. Once you have created your personal, human brand, people will remember and recommend you…. Just wait and see!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: "I´m Financially Free! Dollars Want Me" 

Matthew E. Alleyne
Founder - DollarsWant.Me

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