Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Time for a Summer Holiday!

It’s that time of the year we have all been waiting for! The days are long and the sun is shining (or it might be depending on what country you are in!) More importantly it’s holiday time! The kids are off and you are ready to get away from it all and try to relax for a couple of weeks.

I don’t know about you, but I was definitely more than ready for my recent holiday and feel that I got a lot out of it. When we are working constantly, it is sometimes very hard to have any downtime, even at the weekends as there is always something going on.

When this happens, we lose momentum, inspiration fades and our brains get generally worn out. It is at this point that we need to take a break, and although this sounds like a daunting prospect for anyone who owns a business, or is at least heavily involved in one, I can promise you it’s not! Let me explain….

You see, when I say take a holiday, I mean that you need to get out of the old routine, take some time for yourself and your family and generally relax. You will find that once you begin to wind down, your mind will start to come back to life, and inspiration will start to reappear.

I know as much as anyone else that it is almost impossible to completely forget about business while away, and this is fine, allow the ideas and inspiration to flow while you are relaxed. You will find that you have some pretty good ideas that you can follow up, thanks to your relaxed state of mind!

In fact as an affiliate marketer with The Prosperity Community, you may even be able to pass the message on while you are away, after all word of mouth is the best form of marketing there is. While on holiday you are in completely new territory, and it is likely that you will get talking to many different people while you are away, so take the opportunity to network a little bit!

People are generally more relaxed and much more open to new opportunities, so while you are talking and getting to know people, why not give you’re networking skills a workout to see if you can get those all-important 3 members for the program!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

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