Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How do You Develop Trust in Yourself?

Learning to trust ourselves really isn’t an easy task, in fact it can be one of the hardest things we have to learn in life. Think about it, how many people do you know that are truly in touch with themselves and able to trust their instincts, bodies and thoughts?

It all seems a bit silly really, like we have not evolved but in fact taken several hundred steps back since prehistoric times, when all man had were their instincts to help them to live and survive on a daily basis!

Although with the evolution of relationships, family, and networks of friends and colleagues, not to mention the invention of technology and therapy, we are no longer very sure about ourselves. We certainly do not ever consider acting on instinct alone, and if we do we tend to spend time either regretting it or worrying if it was the right thing to do!

Nevertheless, even though we seem to be getting along ok without the element of self-trust our ancestors had, it is vital to our wellbeing, mental state and lives. I know that we are not going around hunting for our food or protecting our young from attacking predators anymore, but this doesn’t mean that self-trust doesn’t have a place in the modern world.

In fact self-belief and trust is even more important to us than ever before, as not only does it make us feel better, and more settled, it also helps us to stop relying on outside sources for validation on aspects of our life that we need to be the keepers of.

So how do you begin to develop a sense of trust in yourself?

Listen to your body – Listen to what your mind and body are saying, do you have a peaceful feeling about a decision or situation? Or do you feel a little sick or have a lump in your tummy? Obviously you know which one is the best for you?

Turn the negative into a positive – Every time you have a negative thought about a situation, try and turn it into a positive, if there isn’t one… maybe it’s not the best thing for you?

Ask yourself – When you hear that loud voice of Ego starting to talk to you, stop and ask yourself if this is really the way you feel, the more you can quiet the ego the more sure you will be of yourself.

Stop and be in the moment – It is very important to learn to be in the moment, to stop all those thoughts that race through our heads every minute of every day and just concentrate on the issue at hand.

Use Affirmations – Affirmations will help you to re-train your mind and thinking so that you are able to begin gaining trust in yourself.

The more we trust in ourselves the more we will see our lives improve and the happier we will be. Trusting in ourselves will allow us to be confident in all we do, and be a success in everything we put our minds to.

If you feel like you are lacking in trust for yourself, just start practicing these steps above on a daily basis, and you will be amazed at the results.

Please be aware that change will not happen overnight, but instead gradually over a period of time, and it may be so subtle that you don’t even notice!

So good luck and let us know your thoughts on our Facebook Page!

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