Friday, June 19, 2015

Positive Affirmations for a Positive Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! Or is it?

Are you lacking that Friday feeling? Do you feel a bit down and negative? Why? Is it that you have had a bad week? Got nothing planned for the weekend?

Weekends are the perfect time to really think about your affirmations and how they will make you feel better, after all most of us have more time on our hands at the weekend.

If you have been saying your affirmations but they don’t seem to be doing anything for you, maybe you need to review your wording, or maybe you need to think about how you are saying them.

Affirmations are futile when you are not really believing them, feeling them and are just saying them and going straight back to your old negative thinking. If you find that this is what you have been doing this week, it’s no wonder you are feeling out of sorts!

So now this weekend it’s time to go back to basics! And in order to start you feeling positive and able to write your affirmations again, or at least start believing in the ones you already use, here are several that you can concentrate on to get you back on track this weekend.

“I am in control of my own thinking.”
“My mind is constantly in tune with the positive.”
“I always choose the thoughts that are most positive and serve me best.”

Now when you are saying these, really believe, concentrate on them and you are guaranteed to start feel better in no time at all!

There’s no time to waste! Start saying these affirmations now! And let us know how you feel on Monday morning after the weekend has passed!

Remember relax, and believe and you will feel better!

Good luck!

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Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

1 comment:

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