Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Why do We Make Bad Decisions? How do We Stop?

We are often faced with situations that require us to make decisions, because this is just how life is, how we manage to make these decision is another matter. Do you struggle to make decisions and choices? Do you instantly regret your decision or choice as soon as you have made it?

You are not alone, there are many people in this position, most of whom do not know why they keep making bad choices and the wrong decisions!

This problem with decision making comes from a behaviour cycle that can actually be broken quite easily…. Don’t believe me?

Well bad decisions essentially come from negativity, and negativity breeds when we are unhappy, have lost faith in ourselves and worry a lot because we are obsessing over things too much. Stress is caused by worry and when we are stressed we are never going to know what the right decision is that we have to make.

Once you are caught in this vicious cycle of negativity, it can seem almost impossible to break, however if you have already recognised it, you are half way there!

Negative thoughts can take over your mind, and will cause you to make negative decisions, and the more negative and bad decisions you make, the more negativity you will attract…. Remember the law of attraction? It really is at work all the time!

So how do you break the cycle?

Here at The Prosperity Community, we believe that the easiest way to break the cycle of this negative thinking is to begin using affirmations. When you are repeating affirmations you are automatically re-programming your brain to think in a more positive manner, whether you know it or not, they make it much more simple to start being more positive because you aren’t even realising that you are changing your thinking.

Affirmations are small sentences, which need to be repeated several times every day so that your mind can get used to thinking in a different way.

When you begin your journey with us, you will be given several affirmations that will help you to change your thinking, your life and your future, all you need to do is believe in them!

It is important to choose your affirmations carefully, so that you can attract what really wants you in life, and begin to enjoy a stress free, worry free life full of positivity and good things!

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Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

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