Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Power of Faith and Self Belief

What do you think, when you hear the term self-belief? Do you believe in yourself? Your abilities, your judgement, your skills? How do you get to a state of self-belief?

Faith and self-belief are actually 2 very important parts of who we are and will influence the outcomes of the things we do and situations in our lives. Without self-belief, doubt and and disbelief will enter our minds, which will hinder our path to success and happiness. We cannot complete something well without belief, put simply, if we don’t believe in what we are doing, we cannot do it!

Faith and self-belief help us to attract what we want in life, similar to affirmations, we are constantly telling ourselves we can do anything we want to and are able to take on any challenge and succeed.

Have you ever done something that you don’t really believe you are good at? How did it go? I am willing to bet that you were unable to complete the task and that it caused you stress and worry, and also made you feel a little useless. 

So, what can faith and self-belief do for us?

Helps you see opportunities – when you believe in yourself, you will see far more opportunities around you because you have clear goals and you truly believe that you can achieve those goals

Become more creative – Self-belief allows you to become more creative, because you have let go of worry and doubt, you will see the world open up and you will no longer be afraid ti be creative.

Encourages action and persistence – We all know it is pretty impossible to achieve a goal that you don’t really believe in, however when you believe in your goals and yourself, you will want to take action to achieve them, and don’t give up until you do!

Makes others more responsive – People that believe in themselves and their goals are usually outwardly more confident, which causes more people to stand up and take notice. If you are talking to someone about a business opportunity, they will sense the confidence and will respond to you in a more positive way.

So how do you develop faith and self-belief?

Banish negativity – As always the first thing to do is to deal with that negative inner voice! We know it’s there, so start with a few affirmations to get your thinking positive first.

You can learn – Remember and believe that you can learn how to believe in yourself and don’t put so much pressure on yourself!

Note down your positive characteristic’s – Put pen to paper and write down all your positive characteristic’s each day and look at them before you leave the house. This list will slowly embed itself into your mind and your confidence will grow without you even knowing.

Set yourself goals – Once you have been working on the 3 steps above for a while, try setting yourself goals, make sure they are realistic and go for them! Believe that you can achieve them and you will!

If you feel like you are lacking in self belief, try putting these ideas into practice and see how you feel, and remember - If you believe it you can do it!

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Repeat after me: “I’m financially free, dollars want me!”

Matthew E Alleyne

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